, Abel Butterfield and Lortus Newel’s fines were remitted.
Resolved the Major General order <Lt Col> to withdraw the warrant which was he put into the hands of Lewis Robison and put <it> into the hands of the Collector for the
The report of the committee of Revision was then made by Major General President <Chairman> of Committee, viz:
June 1st 1843
The committee of Revision met, according to appointment at the residence of Genl ’s and organized as follows, to wit: by appointing Major GenlMajor Chairman. Present, , , , , pro. tem. and .
After exam[in]ing the nature of the buisness, the Committee adjourned, for the want of the proper documents &c and appointed to procure the same, untill, <Saturday> the 4th inst at 8 o’clock A. M.
Saturday June 4th 1843.
Committee met according to adjournment at the same place Present Genl , , pro. tem., , <&> pro’ tem, and Proceeded to buisness and at 5 <PM> oclock, <P. M.> adjourned till Tuesday 7th of June 1843.
Tuesday June 7th 1843.
Committee met according to adjournment at the same place. Present , , <pro tem> <pro tem> , pro tem and . After various other Buisness, Lieut Genl Smith, and were appointed a committee to select a place for an arsnal to be built and draw a draft of the size and plan of the same.
After consulting on the duties of various offices & [p. 37]