Colr. spoke to same effect.— The was sent for. sent for.—
moved, that the order for the <time of> meeting of the City Col, be rescinded, which was adopted.—
moved that the City Col. do meet <in future> upon the first, & third Saturdays in Every Month, which was Seconded & adopted unanimously.
There was a recess given to the City Council <of half an Hour, or> until the & should appear.
Council called to order, upon the appearance of the ,
moved, that <the> Petn. be read in the hearing of the , which was Seconded, & <Petn. was> Read accordingly.—
<sworn &> examined.— Saw the <& gave him a Warrant>, & the & he agreed to postpone service of the State Warrant until next Morning (Sunday).— he stated that The gave the Wt. <back to him, & he then gave it to> to Constable , afterwards.
[4 lines blank]
excd by the .— said the offered to go that Ev.g. & execute it, & afterwards brought it, & gave it back to Witness, & alledged he had a <particular> reason for it, & had been advise but did not assign his reason, or explain it.
Aldmn. Sworn.— Said he had a knowledge of Obtg a Wt.
That told him he had given the Warrant to the <> And [p. 45]