Notice, 12 August 1840 [Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty v. Rigdon et al.]
Source Note
, Notice, [, OH], 12 Aug. 1840, Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty v. Rigdon et al. (Geauga Co., OH, Court of Common Pleas 1839). Published in “Sheriff Sale,” Painesville (OH) Telegraph, 13 Aug. 1840, [3].
BY virtue of a writ of plu. . [ venditioni exponas] issued by the of the Court of Common Pleas of , and to me directed, I have levied on and shall expose to sale at public vendue, at the Court House in in the County of , on Tuesday, the 15th day of September next, between the hours of ten o’clock A. M. and four o’clock P. M. of that day, the following premises, to wit:
The following described lots or parcels of land, lying and being in the township of , in said and , and known by being number 9, in the 9th Range in the , in said , to wit: all that piece of land beginning at the south corner of a small piece of land heretofore deeded by and to J. Smith Jr., on which said Smith erected a variety store House, it being near the top of the hill south of Lyman & Clark’s mills, on , thence southerly along the old Chilicothe road four rods to a stake, thence west about 16 rods and nine links to a stake; thence east twelve rods and twenty three links to a stake in the centre of the old Chilicothe Road; thence southwardly along the centre of said road, eight rods to the place of beginning, containing ninety six rods of ground, be the same more or less.
Also, the following lot, to wit: commencing at the north east corner of a lot of ground heretofore deeded from & wife, to in the centre of the old Chilicothe Road, leading from to , thence east to the centre of the street as contemplated by City plat, so called, south eight rods; thence west to the centre of said Chilicothe road; thence on the centre of said Chilicothe road northwardly to the place of beginning—subject to all highways.
Also, the following lot or parcel, to wit: Lot number 8, on block number 113, in city Plat, so called, as surveyed by W. W. Bealls, surveyor, excepting sixteen square rods in a square form from the north end of said lot.
Taken at the suit of [Thomas] Underwood, , et. al. vs. , et. al.