Heber Canfield on behalf of , Notice, [, OH], 23 June 1837, E. Holmes v. Dayton et al. (Geauga Co., OH, Court of Common Pleas 1837). Published in “Sheriff Sale,” Painesville (OH) Telegraph, 23 June 1837, [3].
By virtue of a writ of fi. fa. [] issued by the of the court of common pleas of , and directed to the of said , I have levied upon, and shall expose to public sale, at Johnson’s Tavern, in , on Monday, the 3d day of July next, between the hours of 10 o’clock, A. M. and 4 o’clock, P. M. of said day, the following property, to wit: two black Horses and two Cows. Taken on an in favor of Ezra Holmes vs. , and Joseph Smith, Jr.