for each of which he shall receive, from the respective owners thereof, twenty cents, and double that Sum if rectified, branded or Sealed at any other place. And if he shall neglect to rectify, brand or Seal any Scale Beams, Weights or Measures, within three days after the same shall have been brought to his office, he shall incur a Penalty of Five Dollars for every such neglect.
Sec. 4. That the Sealer of Weights and Measures shall, under a Penalty of twenty Dollars for each neglect, at least once in every Six Months, between the rising and setting of the Sun, enter every Store, Shop, Market, or other Place where Goods are Sold within this , and examine the Scales, Weights, and Measures, if any therein; and if any Scale Beams, Weights, or Measures should be found without the official Stamp, brand, or Seal, of the Sealer of Weights and Measures, or deficient, or exceeding in Weight or Measure, the same shall be forfeited to the corporation, and Seized by the Sealer of Weights and Measures; and the Person in whose Possession such Scale Beam, Weight, or Measure shall be found, shall pay a fine of one Dollar for each and every such Scale Beam, Weight or Measure: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any Manufacturer, or other Person, from keeping Scale Beams, Weights and Measures for Sale, in which Case, such Person shall previously give information thereof to the Recorder, on failing to do which, he shall incur the said Penalty.
Sec. 5. That if any Person shall refuse to produce his or her scale Beams, Weights, or Measures for examination, when required by the Sealer of Weights and Measures, or refuse to relinquish the same, when found forfeited to the Corporation, the Person so refusing shall pay a [p. 63]