a fine of not less than One, nor more than Ten Dollars, according to the discretion of the Magistrate.
Sec. 6. That any Person who shall sell by any Scale Beam, Weight or Measure, not rectified and Stamped, branded, or sealed, by the Sealer of Weights and Measures, shall, upon Conviction thereof, pay a fine of One Dollar for each and every Offence; and any Person is hereby authorized to prosecute for this Penalty. And if the Sealer of Weights and Measures shall pass any Scale Beam, Weight or measure that shall not correspond with the Standards prescribed by Law, he shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay a Fine of Ten Dollars.
Sec. 7. That if any Person shall sell by the Steel Yard, the Sealer of Weights and Measures, (who is hereby authorized to examine any Steel yard which he may see in use,) if he shall, on examination, find the same not to agree with the Standard aforesaid, shall seize the same; and the Person found selling therewith, or the Owner, shall incur a Penalty of Two Dollars.
And the said Sealer of Weights and Measures shall, twice in every year, examine, and cause the Owners thereof to adjust, every Hay Scale in this ; and he shall be entitled to receive, for every such examination, two Dollars, to be paid by the owner of such Scales.
Sec. 8. That the Sealer of Weights and Measures shall keep a Book, wherein he shall enter the Names of the Persons who shall have Scale Beams, Weights and Measures adjusted, the number and description of the same, and the times when adjusted: and return to the Mayor, halfyearly, to be laid before the City Council, a Copy of said Entries, together with a Statement of all Weights and Measures seized and forfeited to this Corporation, with the Names of the Persons forfeiting the same.
Sec. 9. That all Weights and Measures which have been heretofore seized and forfeited to this corporation, shall [p. 64]