“Record of the ‘Nauvoo Legion,’” 4 February–9 March 1841
Source Note
, “Record of the ‘Nauvoo Legion,’” Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 4 Feb.–9 Mar. 1841; handwriting of ; signatures of JS and ; five pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes dockets. For more complete source information, see the source note for Minutes, 4 Feb. 1841.
Asterisk (*) denotes a "featured" version, which includes an introduction and annotation.
*Minutes, 4 February 1841
Page 1
Record of the “.”
Pursuant to an ordinance of the City Council of the City of , entitled “An Ordinance organising the Nauvoo Legion,” passed, Feb. 3rd, AD. 1841, the Court Martial of said Legion assembled at the of Joseph Smith, on Thursday the 4th day of February, AD. 1841; present— , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , & , all commissioned officers of the State of .
The Court was called to order by . , & , were elected judges, and , Clerk, of the election, when the court proceeded to elect the General officers of the legion; whereupon Joseph Smith was duly elected Lieutenant General; , Major General; , Brigadier General of the 1st Cohort; and , Brigadier General of the 2nd Cohort. Generals J. Smith, , & , were sworn by , and by . Lt. Gen. Smith proceeded to the appointment of the following staff; to wit: [p. 1]