JS, Journal, 3 Oct. 1843; Robert D. Foster, “Pleasure Party, and Dinner at ‘Nauvoo Mansion,’ October 3. 1843,” Nauvoo Neighbor, 4 Oct. 1843, [3]. The Nauvoo Mansion was a commodious two-story Greek Revival frame structure located on the northeast corner of Water and Main streets. (JS, Journal, 31 Aug. 1843.)
Nauvoo Neighbor. Nauvoo, IL. 1843–1845.
A January 1841 revelation called for the Saints to construct the Nauvoo House to provide housing for visitors as well as for JS and his family. (Revelation, 19 Jan. 1841 [D&C 124:56–83]; for more information on the Nauvoo House, see Historical Introduction to Memorandum, 2 Oct. 1841; and Smith, “Symbol of Mormonism,” 109–136.)
Smith, Alex D. “Symbol of Mormonism: The Nauvoo Boarding House.” John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 35, no. 2 (Fall/Winter 2015): 109–136.
Robert D. Foster, “Pleasure Party, and Dinner at ‘Nauvoo Mansion,’ October 3. 1843,” Nauvoo Neighbor, 4 Oct. 1843, [3]. An earlier JS revelation called on Foster to “build a house for my servant Joseph.” It is unclear if that house was the Nauvoo Mansion or how involved Foster was in the mansion’s construction. (Revelation, 19 Jan. 1841 [D&C 124:115].)
Nauvoo Neighbor. Nauvoo, IL. 1843–1845.
Robert D. Foster, “Pleasure Party, and Dinner at ‘Nauvoo Mansion,’ October 3. 1843,” Nauvoo Neighbor, 4 Oct. 1843, [3].
Nauvoo Neighbor. Nauvoo, IL. 1843–1845.
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JS was the lieutenant general of the Nauvoo Legion. (Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, 4 Feb. 1841, 4–6; JS History, vol. C-1, 1161–1162.)
In a letter to land speculator Horace Hotchkiss, written less than ten days following this event, JS stated that “smiling prospects” surrounded the Saints in Nauvoo, and he assured Hotchkiss of his belief that the Saints’ “success seems certain.” (Letter to Horace Hotchkiss, 12–13 Oct. 1843.)
In the Bible, Job is a righteous and wealthy individual who was afflicted by Satan and endured severe trials. (See Job chaps. 1–2, 6, 13–14, 19, and 42.)
See Psalm 75:8; and Isaiah 51:17.
At the conclusion of Job’s suffering, the Lord blessed him again—more abundantly than before. (Job 42:10–17.)
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