Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April-circa 8 May 1843, Willard Richards Draft
Source Note
Revised Minutes, and JS, Discourses, , Hancock Co., IL, [23 Apr.–ca. 8 May 1843]. Version drafted [3–ca. 8 May 1843]; handwriting of with printed passages from previous drafts pasted in; ten pages with one inserted slip; Historian’s Office, General Church Minutes, CHL. Includes dockets.
There has been complaints against the for approprating funds morefor <more freely to> the benefit of their own children. thanto others who were equally entitled to it,to the neglect of <then to> othrs who need assistance more they [than] they do, & the parties may have till saturday to pepare for trial.—
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I[t] was then voted <unanim[ou]sly > that the be appointed a committe to receive & collect funds to build the , and that they & also receive moneys for the , with this proviso. that the twelve give bonds for the safe delivery of all funds <coming into their hands, belonging to the & >. to the tru[s]tee in tru[s]t, & that the payor <also> make immediate report <to the trustee in trust> of all moneys paid by him to the twelve; and that the instuctions of President Joseph Smith, to the be carried into execution.
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Pre p[r]oposed. that the twelve sign diplicate recepts, for moneys recived, for the benefit of the parties concernd.—
Elder , objected & said he should never give receipt for cash except such as he put into his own pocket. for his own use, for it was calulatd [calculated] to make trouble hereafter.— and there better methods of transacting the business. & more safe for the parties concerned; that he wished this speculation to stop & would do all in his power to put it down.— to which the twelve responded amen.— enquired asked if any one knew any thing aganst the twelve, any one of the twelve, any dishonesty.— if they did he wanted it exposed, he said he knew of one who was not dishonest, He also refered to muzzling the ox that treadeth out the corn, &c [p. 6]