, Statement, before Nauvoo City Council, , Hancock Co., IL, 10 June 1844; handwriting of ; docket in handwriting of ; notation in handwriting of ; three pages; JS Office Papers, CHL.
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house and went in to walked out throu the town about 8 O lock that Evning while presidet Smith was expandig sone passage of scriptuer to the Company that had Convnd at my hous came in and in a very unbecoming maner interupted the convisatin and though the chang the conversation after a few moments we was invited in by Broth A Brown and his wife to spend some time with them as they lived next door accordingly we went in and as their was more than could get seats some ware standing some sitting at on the Bed and wher ever they could get a seat prsedent Smith and my self was standing in the flors and one of those ladies of his that he had paid so mutch atintion to before took their seats in one corner of the room and conversed their conexion whitch which I conciderd unbecomig and as there was some persons present that did not belong to the churtch I placed my self betwene them and I herd the conversation that pased betwen and the woma she had suposed his that she had bene with child for some time and fo back but had bene disapointed and wanted Foster to proscribe p <she> said she supose it was in in conciquence of her weakness and she wished to perscribe something for her he said he could do it for her and dropt his hand to her feete and began to rais it she gave him a slight push and through the her self close to th wall he laid his hand on her kee and then whisperd so lo that I could not hear what followd the next morning I went in to the room where on the said woman and others [p. [2]]