, Summons, to , for , , , , , , , and , , Hancock Co., IL, 16 May 1842; handwriting of ; notation in handwriting of ; two pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes docket.
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Head Quarters, , City of , Ill., May 16 A, D. 1842.
To Col[onel] , Aid-de-Camp;
You are hereby commanded to summon a detailed General Court Martial composed of
Brev. Maj. Gen. [Brevet Major General] , as President, &
Brev. Maj. Gen. , <sd>
Brev. Maj. Gen. ,
Brev. Maj. Gen. ,
Brev. Maj. Gen. ,
Com[missary] Gen. ,
Col. , <Svd.>
War Sec[retary] , as Members, to assemble at Gen. ’s office, on Saturday the 28th day of May, at 8 o’clock, P.M., for the trial of General , on charges preferred against him, in writing, by Adjutant , of the 2 Reg[iment] 1 Cohort, and directed to me by L[ieutenan]t Gen. Joseph Smith.
General will be added to the court, & Col. <Svd> act as Judge Advocate.
You will immediatey notify all the previous herein named, of the time & place of said court, that they may take due notice thereof and govern themselves accordingly.