Charles Wetzel and Others, Answer, 21–22 November 1850 [United States v. Joseph Smith III et al.]
Source Note
Charles Wetzel, Laurenz Risse, Bernard Icking, Simon Grill, Samuel M. Chapman, and Daniel Elliott, Answer, [], Hancock Co., IL, 21–22 November 1850, U.S. v. Joseph Smith III et al. (United States Circuit Court for the District of IL 1852). Copied [ca. 17 July 1852] in Transcript of Proceedings, U.S. District Court for the District of Illinois, Complete Records, 1837–1856, vol. 4, pp. 561–574; handwriting of ; Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21, National Archives at Chicago, Chicago.
as the same are stated and set forth from their own knowledge, and that so far as the same are stated from the information of others they believe the same to be true.
C. Wetzel
Lorenzo Risse
Bernard Eking
Simon Gril
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st. day of November A. D. 1850
G[eorge] Edmunds Jr Master in of U. S. C. C. for Dist. of
United States of America)
ss. [scilicet]
District of )
We, Samuel M. Chapman, Daniel Elliott, being duly sworn, depose and swear that facts stated and set forth in the above and foregoing answer by us subscribed so far as the same are stated <☆> <☆ from our own knowledge are true and so far as the same are stated> from the information of others we verily believe the same to be true
S. M. Chapman
Daniel Elliott
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd. day of November A. D. 1850.
G. Edmunds Jr Master in Chancery of the C. C. U. S. for Dist of [p. 574]