Committee Meeting Minutes, 26 January–10 February 1844
Source Note
Nauvoo Legion Committee of Revision, Meeting Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 26 Jan.–10 Feb. 1844; handwriting of ; approved by JS, 14 Feb. 1844; two pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes docket.
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Proceedings of the Committee of Revision of the January 26 1844. Committee met at the Lodge Room. Present , , .
The committee proceeded to making its own bye laws. after which it passed the following Resolutions to wit
1. That the Brass and Martial Bands of Music attached to the Nauvoo Legion be and are hereby disolved and also all laws relative thereto are hereby repealed
2. That each Company shall be supplied with not less than two nor more than four appropriate musical instruments. and each Regiment in the first Cohort a trumpet and each Regiment in the 2nd Cohort with a Bass drum at the expense of the Legion.
3 That the Commander of each Regiment be authorized to retain sufficient means in his own hands to defray the <necessary> expenses of the same and buy the prescribed instruments for his Regiments.
4. That this Committee adjourn sine die.
January February 2nd 1844
The Committee of Revision met according to previous notice at the Lodge Room. Present , , , , , and . The Committee proceeded to the examination of the Revized Laws as prepared for the press and made the following amendments.
That the Resolution exempting the Judge Advocate of the Legion from officer drill be and is hereby repealed
That the Resolution authorzing any collector of fines to apply for a garnishee be amended by striking out the word “or” <after the word proper>
That the 40th section be amended as follows by adding the <words> “and fifty cents” after the words one dollar
That the 2 <3> Section be amended by striking out the words “a Chief Musician”
that the 6 Section be amended by striking out the words “one drummer and one fifer” and adding in the place thereof the words “and not less than two and nor more than four appropriate musicians.”
Sec 23 amended by striking out the words “The Chief Musician” also the words “and musicians belonging to the Band” also the words “or any member of the Band.”
that the 43 Section be amended so as to read as follows That each Collector of fines be required to give bonds, with approved security to the Paymaster of the Legion (or Regiment as the case may be) to twice the amount of the fines which are put into their hands for collection, before entering upon the duties of their office) Sec 32 amended by adding after the words “where a Lieutenant Colonel or a Major shall preside, the following words [p. [1]]