Committee Meeting Minutes, 26 January–10 February 1844
Source Note
Nauvoo Legion Committee of Revision, Meeting Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 26 Jan.–10 Feb. 1844; handwriting of ; approved by JS, 14 Feb. 1844; two pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes docket.
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“and all commissioned staff officers shall be tried by courts martial detailed by their respective superior officers as in other cases under the provisions of this act”
Sec. 67 repealed
that the 48 be amended by striking out the words “also, to preside in all General Courts Martial of the .
that the 58 Section be amended by striking out the words “approved by the Lieutenant General” and after the words “by an act of the General Court Martial[”] add the words “except as above provided.”
Section 64 be amended by striking out the words “together with a list of the fines not collected” and add in the place thereof the words except as other wise provided after which the Revised law as prepared for the press was accepted. The Committee then passed the following.
That any officer authorized to remit fines shall be allowed the sum of 25 cents for each fine remited, to be paid by the person applying.
That no property wich has been levied on by any collector for fines shall be released untill all costs arising thereon shall have been <p[ai]d> in consequence of the person having obtained a remision of his fine after said levy. Adjourned till Saturday 10th inst at 8 o’clock.
, Secretary.
February 10th 1844.
Committee met according to adjournment at the Lodge Room Present, , , , , , and . Proceded to buisness and passed the following resolution
That the following property shall be exempt from for fines due the Legion, to wit: fifteen dollars worth of house hold furniture, necessary cooking utensils, beds and necessary bedding for each two in family, and bed steads, necessary wearing appearel for the family, one cow and calf and three months provisions; Provided that the wearing appearel of the delinquent shall not be exempt.
After which the Committee met adjourned to meet with the General Court Martial then ready to set. and also to meet on next Thursday (at the 15th. inst) at 6 o’clock P.M. at the residence of Lt Col [Lieutenant Colonel]
Febuary 14th 1844
I hereby Aprove of the above Document without attention