, , , , , , , , and , Court-Martial, against , [, Hancock Co., IL], 28 May 1842; handwriting of ; five pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes dockets.
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At a <detailed General> Court Martial held at ’s office, at 4 OC. P. M. on Saturday May 28th. 1842.—
The Court was composed of
1 Br Maj Genl [Brevet Major General]— — Presdt [President]
C[olone]l.— — Judge Advocate.
4 Br. Maj Genl—
3 Br Maj Genl—
2 Bt Maj Genl— .
8 Genl— — added to the C[our]t..
5 Br Maj Genl—
6 Col —
7 war Sec—
The Charges were as follows.
1st.— For striking me with his Sword, while in the performance of my duty,
2nd. For threatening to Cut me down & using abusive language without provocation. [5 lines blank]
Capt Barnes. <Major Genl> ◊◊ Col rode up to him & struck him on the back, & threatened to Cut him down, & said if he had a good mind to Cut him down <& put him under arrest>, & if ever he done so again he would run him through.—
His Witness’s Comp[an]y. had retreated & Came into Line before was struck, thinks Compy. was [illegible] to 100 rods from Infantry, & five from .
was endeavouring to bring <a> Compy. into Line, & <Witness> was 100 rods from Infantry, & ab[ou]t. 5 rods further in the rere,— [p. [1]]