, , , , , , , , and , Court-Martial, against , [, Hancock Co., IL], 28 May 1842; handwriting of ; five pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes dockets.
Page [3]
,— Came to in Capacity of Serg[ean]t Major, told him he w[oul]d appoint him Adjutant, at least for the day, he had regulated the Regiment in the Morng., & gave them up, He was endeavouring to pacify his Horse, & struck him on the back with flat of Sword, & threatened to hew him down.
He called out to retreat, & did not call to Men to follow him, did not Wind his Sword as if to do any thing, further than to get his Horse up, he thought the Order was to not go nearer than 8 f[ee]t.,— Did not Swing his Sword & say rush on, might have been 10 to 20 feet from Infantry, Considered it his Duty to Line the Reg[imen]t., & was doing so at the time,— Cant say how far he was from the Line, He thinks they were some way from the Infantry, but were in bustle & Confusion, was a Consid[era]ble distance from the Infantry, was endeavouring to get them to break off by Files.
Charge made by Line, not struck while advancing, struck after Order given to retreat,— thinks he shd be last Officer on the Ground,— [6 lines blank] [p. [3]]