we must & would stay let the consequence be what it might for we must stay or perish. The Landlord replied, “we have heard the mormons are very bad people, & the inhabitants of Paris have combined not to have any thing to do with them or you might stay.” I told <said to> him we would will stay, but no thanks to you him; I have men enough to take the town, & if we must freeze, we will freeze by the burning of these houses. The taverns were then opened & we were accommodated & received many apologies in the morning, from the inhabitants for their abusive treatment.
<30> Friday 30. Started at 8 this morning & arrived at in , 2½ P.M. where I saw Esqr. district attorney, who told me that had continued the court 2 or 3 days on account of my case, & would close on the morrow, and that he should try my case on its merits & not on any technicality. of was in the place, but would not say whether he had the original writ <The original writ which had previously been demanded of the officers of , & .> I gave a general history of my persecutions, and it was agreed by him that I should be brought up arrested on the writ. Had an interview with Bro , who was a member of the Legislature at the time, and spent the eving with & the brthrn from . <we all lodged at .> Christ and the resurrected saints will reign over the earth, during the 1000 years, but will not dwell on the Earth. They will visit it when they please, or when it is necessary to govern it. There will be wicked men on the earth during the 1000 years. The heathen nations who will not come up to worship will be destroyed.
Salt, vinegar & pepper, given internally, and plunging in the river when the peroxisms begin, will cure the cholera.
<31> Saturday 31. at 9 A.M. called & informed me that had the original writ, & I signed a petition to to issue a new writ, that my case might be tried theron as well as <on> the proclamation. My petition was granted, & at 11 oclock I was arrested theron, by a deputy, Mr Maxey, in presence of , my attorney, who immediately wrote a petition to for a writ of , which I signed, 1/2 past 11 oclock & at 11½ A.M. went before . when read my petition, & stated that the writ & warrant, were different from the requisition of the of He then read s warrant, ’s affidavit, requisition on the of , & the proclamation of , showing that had made a false statement, as nothing appeared in the affidavit to show that Smith was in He also stated that all the authority for transportation of persons from one state to another [p. 22]