, & , , & & others, on the illegality of the proceedings of our persecutors.
The High council, in session, decided Resolved that the city of (Record. 7. 8) 4 o’clock.”
The city council instructed the sexton, to report weekly, to the Editor of some Newspaper <published> in this , the. names and ages of person deceased, & nature of the disease, or cause of their death. <which may hereafter bee seen in the “Wasp”>
was declared unworthy to hold the office of Chanceller of the university, <& was discharged—> and was Elected Chanceller of the University of the City of and received the oath of office. was Elected Regent of the University in place of deceased.
<21> Sunday 21. I continued in the assembly room. “This day went to the meeting near the and stated to the congregation that <he was not upon the . (Star. 139. vol 3 &c T&S 9. 22) for the last time. (L.L. 166).> his daughter Eliza (L.L. 166.) concerninghim &c” <concerning him &c> He concluded his remarks <address > (L.L. 167) hands, when almost hand was raised, & no opposite vote when call for.” This meeting was productive of great good, by inspiring the Saints with new zeal and courage, & weakening the hands & hearts of the treacherous, & of evil & designing persons disposed to secret compinations combinations, against the truth. visited in the course of the day & manifested a determination to arouse his energies in defense of the truth.— has also signified his intention of returning to his duties in the church.
<22> Tuesday 22nd. I find my feelings of the 16 instant towards my friends revived, and while I contemplate (L.L. 179) deeds. I design to resume this subject again, at a future time. Received an interesting visit from and Aunt . My health & Spirits good. This P.M. received a few lines from , informing me that she should expect me home this evening, believing that she could take better care of (L.L. 181.) . [p. 8]