Memorandum of Testimony, circa 27 October 1844 [State of Illinois v. Williams et al.]
Source Note
John J. Hicok and James Reynolds, Memorandum of Testimony, [], IL, ca. [27] Oct. 1844, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845); handwriting presumably of John J. Hicok; signatures of John J. Hicok and James Reynolds; four pages; CCLA.
towards the Jail, I stop[p]ed within 1/4 or 1/2 mile of the Jail, Saw the men that come a long the fence and go onto the Jail, Saw at the Jail, sitting on a horse, all the time the men ware there, he was on a Bay or Soril [Sorrel] Horse I think a soril. Saw come Riding up from the Jail to us, and went by James Gregg, came riding up on horseback, and the <Said> the Smiths was killed, and told me to li[gh]ten my load as <So> as to take in men and go to as soon as we could, A number came from the Jail and got into the Waggon, among whom, ware Grover [John] Wills, Voras, Gallahar [Gallaher], & 2 of the Chitendens. Grover said they had killed the Smiths, and Jo Struck him twice with his fist— Wills, Voras, & Gallehar ware wounded. went on a peice and told them I could not hawl so many, Some got out, left 5 in the waggon— came up and said the Smiths ware both Dead, for he had hold of one since the men left the Jail, I went on to —
I knew it was I Saw at the Jail Horseback, and can not be mistaken, for I knew him whilst I was stop[p]ed near the Jail, and some other drove past towards the Jail, and the Same Ones returned to with us.
I drank Liquor that day, when ever I felt like it, do not know that I was drunk, but drank enough to feel pretty well—