Nauvoo Legion Court-Martial, Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 21 Oct.–4 Nov. 1843; handwriting of ; signatures of and ; approved by JS, 25 Oct. and 8 Nov. 1843; docket in handwriting of ; three pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
Moved and seconded that Coll. be and is hereby appointed Agent for the ,
Moved and seconded that the Major and Lieutenant Generals be, and are hereby authorized to regulate the building of the arsenal, and make such other improvements on the ground on which it is to be built as they may deem necessary, with full power to carry into effect any order or regulation which they may deem proper for the peace and benefit of the Legion and the Security of the Public Arms. Agreed to.
Moved and seconded that Colonels and be a committee to examine into the matters that are laid upon the table and make a report of their proceedings at this place at the next adjourned meeting— Agreed to.
Moved and seconded that the form of “Rank Roll of the Nauvoo Legion” <by Major > be accepted. Agreed to.
Moved and seconded that this Court Martial be adjourned to this day fortnight then to meet at this House at 10 o’clock in the morning Agreed to.
(Brv Maj Gen [Brevet Major General]
(& President
Adjutant pro: tem:
Oct. 25th 1843
Aproved Joseph Smith Leutenant Geneal of the Nauvoo Leagion
1843 November 4th.
At a Court Martial held in ’s Office in the City of pursuant to last Adjournment
Brevet Major General President
Moved and seconded that be Secretary pro. tem. Agreed to
Moved and seconded that the report of the Committee as brought in by which is as follows “Resolved that Colonel be, and is hereby appointed to regulate the collection of fines and that he be authorized to appoint as many Collectors as he may deem proper, who shall be subject to his order and control, and that all warrants be directed to him for that purpose and that he be required to take bonds and approved security not exceeding two hundred dollars for each warrant which is put into the hands of any Collector. And that he be required to give bonds with approved security to the Paymaster General of the legion to the amount of two thousand dollars” be, and is hereby accepted. Agreed to
A Petition being presented by , from the “Musicians of the 2nd. Division of the [p. [2]]