Court Martial met according to adjournment at the office of General .
Brevet Major General President
On motion was appointed secretary pro tem. petitioned to have his fine remitted which ruled out by the Chair.
, Collector petitioned to have be allowed twenty-five cents for every <fine> which has been remitted after some remarks the petition was withdrawn.
Col motioned to have all fine remitted which had been assessed against the staff and guard of the Lieutenant General for officer drills, which was ruled out by the Chair
Resolved That in addition to the law in relation to the suspension of fines, it shall not be lawful for any officer to suspend fines without it be upon the testimony of the person applying upon oath.
Resolved. That no fine shall be suspended, unless upon the testimony as aforsaid; it shall appear, that the person so applying was out of the on the day on which he was required to do duty; or in case of sickness with himself or family; or that he was detained by the requirements of the civil law; or that he was not subject to <do> duty in the company, staff, or corps in which he was returned as a delinquent, and it shall be the duty of all officers authorized to suspend fines as aforsaid, to cause the secretary of the board of assessments to keep a record of the same in a book in a book kept for that purpose, in which shall be recorded the testimony given by the person so applying and any officer who shall wilfully suspend any fine, except as above provided shall be cashiered by [p. 66]