I have here to remark that the proceedings of all the Court Martials which were held in the year 1841, subsequent to the aforesaid 9th of March, have been lost or mislaid as is supposed, while the papers were in the hands of , as they there can be no account had of them since he has been out of office
However it can be ascertained from the dates of some of the officers commissions; that there was a Court Martial held on the 2nd day of September 1841 at which place on motion of , Resolved that Brigadier General , Cols , , , and were appointed to the office of Brevet Major Genl also on the 4th day of the same month Cols and were appointed to the same office
Court Martials were frequently held during the year and at the different sessions thereof, matters of vital importance were transacted—
Should any of the lost proceedings be found, they will be inserted with proper references to the page