C. C. Carroll on behalf of , Notice, to Leslie & Field on behalf of JS, St. Louis Co., MO, 20 Jan. 1843, JS v. Brotherton (St. Louis Co., MO, Circuit Court 1843); handwriting presumably of C. C. Carroll; notation by unidentified scribe with signatures of Isaac B. Burbbagge and D. D. Davis, St. Louis Co., MO, 25 Jan. 1843; docket by unidentified scribe, [ca. 25 Jan. 1843]; two pages; St. Louis County Circuit Court, Civil Case Files, MSA.
To Messrs Leslie & Field, attorneys of record of the above named plaintiff— Gentlemen,
You will please take notice that depositions of witnesses to be read at the trial of the above entitled cause, will be taken on the part of the , at the Office of Benjamin F. McKinney [McKenney] Eq. in the Township of , on Tuesday the 24th day of January 1843, between the hours of 9, oclock, A. M. & 5, P. M. of said day, and that the taking of the same, if not completed upon that day, will be continued from day to day, until the same are completed—