Leslie & Field on behalf of JS, Notice, to , St. Louis Co., MO, ca. 8 Apr. 1842, JS v. Brotherton (St. Louis Co., MO, Circuit Court 1843); printed form with manuscript additions in unidentified handwriting; notation by unidentified scribe with signature presumably of , , St. Louis Co., MO, 9 Apr. 1842; two pages; St. Louis County Circuit Court, Civil Case Files, MSA.
Take notice, that on the 17th day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty- forty two, between the hours of Eight, in the forenoon, and Six, in the afternoon of that day, at the office of in the City of , County of Hancock & State of Illinois depositions will be taken by the undersigned, to be read on the trial of the above entitled case, on behalf of the plaintiff; and that the taking of said depositions, if not completed on that day, will be continued from day to day at the same place, and between the same hours, until completed.