Account of Trial, , Hancock Co., IL, 21–28 May 1845, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845). Transcribed from shorthand [before 24 Aug. 1858]; handwriting of and Daniel Mackintosh; 106 pages; Report of the Trial of the Murderers of Joseph Smith, 1845, CHL.
Was present when that council convened and was held? I dont know I saw him present imeadietly before. What was the result of the dilberations of that council? The was to take one company to and the rest where to be disbanded excpt the Grays who staid hear in town. What did they stay hear here for? To Gaurd the jail. Was Jo in custody then? Yes. Had there been A great exitement? Yes. Was the exitement about the Mormons great about ? I cannot say. There was A great deal of bitterness manifested by the “old cityzens”against the mormons at that time? Yes. Did you see a man going out of that day on a dun pony? I saw A man going out but do not remember the couler [color] of the horse. Do you know the man that went out? Yes I saw Mr. [Michael] Barns go out. Was it Doctor [Thomas L. Barnes] Barns. No. What was doing doing that morning what was he saying to the ? He was trying to persuade the not to disband the troops but proceed imeadietly to . What did he say was his object for that? I dont remember that he had any perticular object in view. How meny troops where there in at that time? About 600 exclusive of those which were at . Retired.
Where you in on the evening and night of the day the smiths where killed last sumer? I was there. Did you or did you not see when he came into that evening? I saw him. How was he traveling? He was riding A dark bay horse it might have been a surral but I think it was A bay I think the horse belonged to Mr. Deadman [John Dedman] of . Was any person in company with him? When I first saw him I think James Gregg was in company with him. Where did stop when he came into ? He stopt at his own house. How far from [Samuel] Fleming’s Tavern is that? About 40 yards this side on the oppisit side of the street He did not go into Flemings and stop there? No. He was not traveling in A two horse buggy. No, for I took his horse myself he stopt before the road close to the door I think I took it myself and [h]itched it. I know I stood by the horse when he jumped off. What time was it in the evening? I think it was about sun down but I am not scertain if the sun was quit down yet. Where did Gregg and seperate and which way did Gregg go? About 50 yards from Sharps house Gregg turned to the right to go the stables or to his own house they seperated about 100 yards from Flemings. Did you see any thing more of them between that time and dark? I saw him from his window after he went into his own house I saw him no more that night. [p. [101]]