Account of Trial, , Hancock Co., IL, 21–28 May 1845, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845). Transcribed from shorthand [before 24 Aug. 1858]; handwriting of and Daniel Mackintosh; 106 pages; Report of the Trial of the Murderers of Joseph Smith, 1845, CHL.
No. Did you see any of them examine him after his was dead. I did not. How long was he dead before you saw him, was the blood still fresh and Warm. O. Yes. Did the mob retreat pretty fast in going away. As fast as they could walk. Did you not see any of them run. I dont think they ran. Did the most of them seem to be armed. Yes. What sort of weapons had they. Muskets. Had they any Rifels. Yes. Rifels of a peculiar kind with a spring. Had they any knives. I think I saw a knife in the hands of one man. Did anybody seem to be giving any command to the mob. I did not hear any orders given. Was there much noise upon the ground. Yes there was much noise. How many Guns fired together. About thirty, as far as I could Judge, he retired.
Mr. Paton where was you on the day. that Joseph Smith was killed. I was part of the day at home in the country. Did you see that day. I did. Did you see any other of these men that day. Yes I saw them all. Where did you see them. I saw some of them in , and some between here and . Did you see , and , in early, that morning. and , and [William] Grover, in early that morning. I dont recollect, of seeing all of them, there that day. You saw some of them there that day did you. Yes. What were they doing when you saw them. We was taking up the line of march to go to . Did you go to , We went part of the way, and was discharged. Who discharged you. We met , and was discharged. Was there. when you was discharged. I don’t think he was. How far from when you was discharged. [p. [12]]