Account of Trial, , Hancock Co., IL, 21–28 May 1845, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845). Transcribed from shorthand [before 24 Aug. 1858]; handwriting of and Daniel Mackintosh; 106 pages; Report of the Trial of the Murderers of Joseph Smith, 1845, CHL.
I was not at the Jail, among the crowd of people, I heard the Guns fired, where was you when you heard the Guns fired, I was at home about one hundred yards from the Jail. Did you see Smith fall out of the Window. I was not in a position to see. In what position was you, I was at the South side of the Jail and he fell from the East side. Did you examine his wounds. I did he was shot in the right breast, and on the left shoulder. Where did the ball enter his breast. Below the right pass. Was he entirely dead when you came to him. Yes when I went. to take hold of him.
You say he was shot through the right breast. Yes. Where did the ball go out; I could not tell. Was it a large ball. I could not tell, whither it was, a large ball or not. Did you see anybody there beside yourself. I saw a great crowd of people there. Did you see any that you knew. I did not. Did you see any of those defendants there. No. How many people were there. I suppose about one hundred and fifty. Did you see any in disguise there. I did not. Are you acquaint with any of these men on trial. I am. Did you see any of them at the Jail. I did not. When did the crowd leave the Jail. A short time afterwards. Did you hear any talking, about the matter, in the immediate vicinity where you was. I heard nothing only some one told thatthey <them> must <to> stand back. Was any body killed but Joseph Smith. I could not tell there was so much noise. Were you acquainted with Joseph Smith, before that occurence. I knew him by sight. You knew there was some person killed. Yes. How long was it from the time you went there till, the crowd retired. As near as I could judge, about two minutes. Did you hear any of them, say, anything about killing him as they retired. [p. [11]]