Account of Trial, , Hancock Co., IL, 21–28 May 1845, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845). Transcribed from shorthand [before 24 Aug. 1858]; handwriting of and Daniel Mackintosh; 106 pages; Report of the Trial of the Murderers of Joseph Smith, 1845, CHL.
that these two men would act in this capacity, without prejudice or partial feelings on either side, in the selection of a panel of Jurors, to judge the case now before the court, The names of the are as follows viz , William B. F. Burnety, the Elizors, were accordingly sworn, and proceeded to the selection of a full panel of Jurors, (consisting of twenty four men) the court then adjourned untill two O. clock,
Two O. clock, the Court met pursuant to adjournment the Elizors came prepared with a full panel of Jurors, the parties on both sides immediately proceeded to examine them,
The Elizors have authority to call twelve men each, from the bye standers, or from any part of the , the names of these twenty four men, are given to the Clerk of the Court, who writes each name upon a seperate piece of paper, and puts them <desposits them> in a hat, he then draws out four names, calling them out as he draws them, these four men are immediately sworn, to give true and correct answers, to such questions as shall be put to them, they are questioned after the following names, one, by one, (have you formed or expressed an opinion relative to the guilt or innocence of these five , if they answer I have they are challenged for cause, or rejected as being not competent for Jury men, at the same time either party can challenge peremptorily any whom they suppose would be prejudiced against their cause, though they may not have formed or expressed an opinion,) the above is a brief explanation of the manner of examining the Jurors, Four Panels of twenty four men each, were thus examined out of which twelve were empanelled to sit as Jurors, on the case, viz. Jabus. A. Bebee. foreman of the Jury, James Gedding, Jonathan Foy, Joseph M. Massie, William Smith, Joseph Jones, William Robertson, [p. [4]]