History draft; handwriting of , John L. Smith, Jonathan Grimshaw, Robert L. Campbell, , , and ; 101 numbered pages plus several inserted pages; CHL. This manuscript covers the period from 1 March 1843 to 31 December 1843.
President arose and spoke in the majesty of his calling and among other remarks said his <my> mind was <is> made up and the remarks of or of brother Joseph had <have> <has> <have> not altered it as for himself he would not sit upon the case another day, <I> he consideredit <the course has taken> an insult upon his office and calling as an apostle of Jesus Christ, and he <I> would <will> not bear it, as for the rest of the they might <may> do as they pleased, as for himself <myself> he would <I will> not submit to it. has despised and rejected the Council of the and the Twelve, had said they had no jurisdiction over him in , and to say where he should go &c. but he and others will find there is power in the Twelve, we know through whom we have received our power and who are our benefactors, and we are thankful for it. has never for the first time received our Council but has gone contrary to it, no one is safe in his hands he calls an old granny and slanders everybody, he says there is a contradiction between and the Twelve, there is no contradiction between <us &> and the Twelve. is there ( answered No) After closed President J Smith said he would give us a little Council if we saw fit to except [accept] it, he thought it proper for us to silence , take his and have him come to <him bring his family to> , and if he would not do that let him go out of the , it was then moved and seconded that be silenced and give up his license and come with his family to which was carried unanimously.
Br. Joseph then addressed the Twelve and said that in all our Councils especially while on trial of any one, we should see and observe all things appertaining to the subject and discern the Spirit by which either party was governed, we should be in a situation to understand every Spirit and judge righteous judgment, and not be asleep we should— keep order and not let the Council be imposed upon by unruly conduct. The Saints need not think because I am familiar with them and am playful and cheerful that I am ignorant of what is going on, iniquity cannot be retained in the church of any kind and it will not grow <far[e]> well where I am for I am determined, while I do lead the church to lead them right. Br Joseph further remarked concerning that he