History draft; handwriting of , John L. Smith, Jonathan Grimshaw, Robert L. Campbell, , , and ; 101 numbered pages plus several inserted pages; CHL. This manuscript covers the period from 1 March 1843 to 31 December 1843.
<2> Prayer meeting <from 1 to 6 p m> in the Assembly room over the , & received <their &> further instructions in the about 35 <persons> present
A was held <at Alexander> in G N Y. 10 containing 44 & & 206 Members were represented
<3> I arrived at the Assembly room about noon, found all present, except & his — he had slipped & turned his knee joint in backwards, and sprained his large muscle, and I had been ministering to him— and had been unwell during the night— after the meeting was organized read my “Appeal to the Green Mountain boys”, which was dedicated by prayer after all had spoken upon it— we also prayed for Nathan Pratt who was very sick, & others— I afterwards instructed them in the things of the —
<4> At 6 in the evening I attended the adjourned meeting of Citizens in the Assembly room which was crammed <with a select congregation, many could not get admission— there were two Missourians present>— I made some observations at the opening of the meeting, requested them to be calm and cool, but let the Spirit of 76 burn in their bosoms, and when occasion requires, say little, but act, and when the mob comes, mow a hole thro them—
My Clerk <> read the Memorial to Congress— when the Assembly unanimously voted their approbation of the Memorial—
When I spoke 2½ hours relating many circumstances which transpired in , not mentioned in the Memorial I have <already> had 38 vexatious law suits— & have paid 158,000 for land. out of my own pocket— when I went to I borrowed $500 of <I borrowed $500— of in to pay the expenses of the party that accompanied me— & had to borrow of others—>
and <also> his , were kidnapped from the neighborhood of , by a company of Missourians assisted by some Anti Mormons of this , & carried into — [p. 82]