History draft; handwriting of Robert L. Campbell; docket in handwriting of ; 18 pages; CHL. This manuscript covers the period from 21 June 1844 to 8 August 1844.
Sat. 29 <The was out all night, expecting a mob to come.> The following extract is from a letter addressed to Joseph Smith from &
(copy extract on file)
forwarded the following by Gen. H. S. Cooley
About noon Gen. H. Swazey of called at , and offered assistance to the people.
wrote as follows which was published in the Times and Seasons.
“To the people (copy Page 564–5) in chief”
1 p. m. Mayor [John] Wood. and Ex Mayor [E.] Conyers from , arrived from the s head Quarters— said, 244 troops from had arrived in to protect the innocent; and they had come to ascertain the feelings of the people, and adopt measures to allay excitement.
We copy the following letter from Sheriff
<“Roll of (copy on file) war in ”. also copy ’s list on file “The following (copy) Manchestr”>
<A few of the brethren met in Council and agreed to send br. to bear the news of the massacre to the >
wrote the following and sent it by the hands of .
“ Sunday (copy letter) heaven”
A Council was held by the brethren at which Messrs. [John] Wood and [E.] Conyers from were present, also Lawyer from . The Council again expressed their determination to preserve the peace in the , and requested those gentlemen to use their influence to allay the excitement abroad, which they promised to do.
agreed to use all his influence to stay all illegal writs, and all writs for the present.
requested a guard might be sent to , to protect the people there from the mob.
Father was present and spoke of the destruction of crops by the troops.
We extract from s Journal
“The (copy paper apart <conference min. on file>) by those who spoke”