Lyman Wight, Testimony, 1 July 1843 [Extradition of JS for Treason]
Source Note
, Testimony, , Hancock Co., IL, 1 July 1843, Extradition of JS for Treason (Nauvoo, IL, Municipal Court 1843). Copied [between 3 and 6 July 1843]; handwriting of unidentified scribe; signature of ; docket by , [, Hancock Co., IL], ca. [6] July 1843; notation by , ca. [6] July 1843; thirty-two pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL.
I have visited your place frequently, find you to be an Industrious and Thriving people willing to abide the laws of the land, and I deeply regret that you could not live in peace and enjoy the privileges of freedom. I shall now Gentlemen return and dismiss my troops and put under an arrest leave the sole charge with who I deem sufficiently qualified To perform according to law in all military discipline <operations necessary”>
then went to , when coming in sight of he discovered about 100 of the mob holding some of the saints in bondage, and Tantalizing others in the most scandalous manner, at the sight of and company the mob took fright and such was their hurry to get away some cut their bridle reins & some pulled the bridles from their horses heads and went off all speed, nothing to prevent the speed of their horses. <I> went to and on his <my> way discovered that the inhabitants had become enraged at the orders of the Generals & and that they had sworn vengeance against not only [p. 18]