Whereas complaint has been made to me upon oath, that some persons have been kidnapped by the Missourians in connection with some of the lawless inhabitants of , and that th[r]eats have been made that some of the citizens of , will be ki[d]napped or arrested and forcibly carried <away from said > without being allowed the benefit of the write of , according to the ordinance in such case made and provided, you will therefore take the necessary measures to have the rights of the citizens of this held sacred, and the ordinances of said duly carried into full force and effect; To which end, if you <should you> judge that the peace and safety of this required it, you are further notif[i]ed to call for a suitable portion of the to be in complete readiness to compel obedience to the ordinances of said .
Given under my hand, <and seal> this 8 day of December, 1843.
Insertion in unidentified handwriting, possibly Willard Richards. “L. S.” (which stands for locus sigilli, Latin for “location of the seal”) is inscribed within a hand-drawn representation of a seal.