On the 28th day of Decr— 1843, came before me Joseph Smith Mayor of the aforesaid, and after being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that on the 2d day of December 1843, he was unlawfully arrested by force and arms, andKidnapped And Kidnapped at [Vernon] Doty’s Mill in and aforesaid by Col. , his Son John Williams, <of > , a school master from 4½ miles below , William Middleton and Joseph McCoy of Clark County Missouri and four others. held his bowie knife to his breast. Six of the other stood with their pistols cocked and th[e]ir fingers upon the triggers, muzzels presented at his body, ready to fire, and two stood with clubs, and, amid the most horrid oaths and imprecations, took and bound me with silk handerchiefs, your said and led him away between two men, one holding a savage bowie knife on one side and the other a cocked pistol on the other side, (having taking taken away your said s weapons [p. 1]