Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, circa 16 December 1843–12 February 1844
Source Note
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , JS, , and , Memorial, , Hancock Co., IL, to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, , 21 Dec. 1843; handwriting of ; signatures of memorialists; dockets in handwriting of and unidentified scribe; seventeen pages; Record Group 46, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington DC.
students; Provided, that the said laws and ordinances shall not be repugnant to the Constitution of the , or of this ; and Provided, also, that the Trustees shall at all times be appointed by the City Council, and shall have all the powers and privileges for the advancement of the cause of education which appertain to the Trustees of any other College or University of this .
Section 25. The City Council may organize the inhabitants of said , subject to military duty, into a body of independent military men to be called the “Nauvoo Legion,” the Court Martial of which shall be composed of the commissioned officers of said Legion, and constitute the law making department, with full powers and authority to make, ordain, establish, and execute, all such laws and ordinances as may be considered necessary for the benefit, government and regulation of said Legion; Provided, said Court Martial shall pass no Law or act repugnant to, or inconsistent with, the Constitution of the , or of this ; and, Provided also, that the officers of the Legion shall be commissioned by the Governor of the . The said Legion shall perform the same amount of military duty as is now, or may be hereafter, required of the regular Militia of the , and shall be at the disposal <of the mayor in executing the laws and ordinances of the City Corporation and the laws of the and at the disposal> of the Governor for the public defence, and the execution of the Laws of the , or of the , and shall be entitled to their proportion of the public arms: and Provided also, that said Legion shall be exempt from all other Military Duty.
Section 26. The Inhabitants of the “City of ,” are hereby exempted from working on any Road beyond the limits of the , and for the purpose of keeping the Streets, Lanes, Avenues, and alleys in repair, to require of the male— inhabitants of said , over the age of twenty one, and under fifty years, to labor on said Streets, Lanes, Avenues, and alleys, not exceeding three days in each year; and any person failing to perform such labor, when duly notified by the supervisor, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar per day for each day so neglected or refused. [p. [14]]