Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
read— moved and amendment, “5” <“3”> be stricken out & “5” inserted spoke and objected to the amendment.—
spoke in favor of the amendment, and moved <as> an <further> amendment that the whole be under the supervision of the <city> council— Counseller [illegible] concurred— ,— spoke of the difficulty of fin<d>ing a person in this .— and considered it would be Lucrative business to keep an intelligence office. thought 3 years long enough.— <spoke> against the amendmet,— and suggested the addition of a Lithographic map connected with the directory.— making these allowanced, would be in favor of the bill— <P. Pro tem> spoke standing.— concerning the papers— of the intelligence office. — spoke.— .— On Motion, , had leave & spoke.— suggested an amendment, “3 full years”— or full years”— spoke 3 again referred to the Map again. , said he should go against the amendmt.— spoke again.— spoke— should go against the bill till let <it> was qualified— so as to <not> to make it a charter,— thought 5 yea[r]s little time enough.— Question on amendmet Lost,— moved an amendmet,— moved the bill be recommitted <to the> & committee & be added to that committee
<Mayor resumed his seat.—>
Blank Bond of Read.— Mayor suggested the proprietiey of laying aside all aspers[i]ons in this <the> council.— Counselor [illegible]spoke <spoke>, considered the bond an insult.— moved <the Bill be> referred to a special committee & <referred> , & .—
Mayor annoucd [announced] that all difficulties between him & are <were> eternally buried up— and I am <he was> to be his friend forever. & said I <he> will be his friend forever.— <and his right hand man> And C. stated that all aspersins which may have been supposed to have been cast of <on> — are false a mistake.— tis not so.— Mayor explained at length Respecting what, in substance, he had said at previous councils on the same [subj]ect.— C. P spoke.— spoke, stating his distraction of mind the past week, glad the difficulties are settled shall be his friend as said before <The Mins observations of the mayor before the council on the 5th inst. concerning — were ordered to be stricken from the Minutes & stricken accordingly.—.>
Ordinance concerning witness fees, read by .— who explained, Spoke in favor.— , spoke in favor, amendments <offered & carried> “criminal cases accepted.— also “Jurors” added, Account of $12.00— $10.50,— $10.50, , $12.00. read and allowed. Bill for sundry services read & referred to the committee on Claims.
called to the chair— Mayor absent.— committee [p. 45]