wants Duplicate for North West 1/4 of South East 1/4 of Section 35 Township 56 Range 30— in Mo. | |
Dr. | to $1.37½ expenses of & while collecting for .— |
M[ar]ch 26 <Answered > | wants fractional Lot No 4 Block 93 for improvements on Lot 2 Block 94 sold |
& Harris recipt—whom charged to? | |
Mch 29 | Wanted at $250.00 for Hoisting Tackle Wedges &c &c— |
[29] | Also $100.00 for the Pine Mill |
Ap[ri]l 20 | 1 Cow left with G. W. Clyde on the |
25 | W[est] 1/2 of N W [northwest]1/4 of Sec[tion] 5. T[ownship] 5 N[orth]— R[ange] 8 W. to be deeded to Allred. tenant |
May 16. | N E. [northeast] 2 Sec 22. 7 N. 8. W. $4.00 per A[cre] all Timber except 20 acres— S. E. [southeast] corner |
Philo A Goodwin of .— | Title original Patent to Geo. Plum. 27. April, 1818 Deed from Patentee to Elizar Hall. 20 Dec 1820.— Elizar Hall— . To Philo A Goodwin 24. January 1839.— any person going into possession shall have a from Mr Goodwin. Recorder of for Reference) |
William Clayton handwriting begins.
William Clayton handwriting ends; James Whitehead begins.
James Whitehead handwriting ends; William Clayton handwriting begins.
TEXT: Several mathematical equations and calculations are written near this section. They appear to be unrelated to the content and have not been transcribed.
William Clayton handwriting ends; Willard Richards begins.
TEXT: Several mathematical calculations follow this table. They appear to be unrelated to the rest of the content and have not been transcribed.
TEXT: Handwriting of Willard Richards ends; James Whitehead begins.
TEXT: Written upside down..