Account of Trial, , Hancock Co., IL, 21–28 May 1845, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845). Transcribed from shorthand [before 24 Aug. 1858]; handwriting of and Daniel Mackintosh; 106 pages; Report of the Trial of the Murderers of Joseph Smith, 1845, CHL.
Do you know A good meny people about ? I knew A good meny of them about . Did you hear the men talking about any thing while at supper? I did. What where they talking about? Some said they had killed old Jo, another would make answer that he had Grover said he killed old Jo Smith. Then they made no secret of it at all? No. Did you understand from that he had not been to ? That was what he said. When they said old Jo did you know who they where talking about? Yes they ment Joseph Smith, Did they say it it out in full? Yes they said old Jo Smith with an oath. Had they any arms with them? I did not see any. Where did the men go after they had got through supper? Part stood gaurd, and and part went up sta[i]rs to bed. What time did they get up next morning and left the house? I do not know. Was they there at Breakfast next morning? There was not near so meny at Breakfast as was at supper. Did you see Grover and there the next morning? Yes. Did they board at Flemings house. Yes. Was there to breakfast the next morning? I did not see him. Had the family gone to bed that night or where they all up? They where all up. You say Grover and boarded there? Yes. Had they been about the house before they came to supper? No. Was Grover and there at regular supper time? Yes. Did Grover and come A little before Mr. Kay [Key] called for supper? They where at the door About the same time. What did Mr. Grover say about these wounded men? He went and asked the one wounded in the arm if he could sit by the stove? he said he could. How long did he sit there? I dont supose he sat there more than one hour. Did any one come to talk with him while he sat there? no. Did you know the wounded man? Yes it was William Boarus. [William Voras] You had seen him before? Yes Sir. Did [p. [60]]