Account of Trial, , Hancock Co., IL, 21–28 May 1845, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845). Transcribed from shorthand [before 24 Aug. 1858]; handwriting of and Daniel Mackintosh; 106 pages; Report of the Trial of the Murderers of Joseph Smith, 1845, CHL.
I dont think I can. Did Grover bring A wounded man into the kitchen? He did. Did you know his name? Yes. What was his name? Williams Bourus. The company was generally talking about the murder of the smiths? Yes. Was there any other persons talking about it besides Grover and ? Yes. You where most of the time in the kitchen? No. Who was cooking supper? I set the table and my haunt cooked supper. What was it that directed your atention so much of the time to Grover and ? I had no such an Idea that they would have done such A deed I was astonished at them. Who was in the house with the family besides yourself? A young man by the name of Moses Black. Was they there at the time and Grover came in, and remained there? No he went out to stand Gaurd. He was not in the house when they came? No. Which arm was that man wounded in? I cannot tell my mind was any otherwise ingaged then to see which arm he wounded in or that he was wounded at all.
How did you know that he was wounded then? I heard Mr. Grover say so. Did he lament his arm A great deal? No. Was there any Phisician in to see him? No. Did he stay at the house that night? I cannot tell. Did the wounded man eat any? I did not see him eat any. Can you state what of the arm he was wounded in? He was wounded near <in the> shoulder I heard them say so I heard Mr. Grover say so for Mrs. Fleming asked where he was wounded and Grover made answer and said near <in> the shoulder. Did Mrs. Fleming ask who the wounded man was? she did not. Did she ask whither he was shot? Yes and Mr. Grover said he was shot in the arm. Did he say by whome? No. You are scertain Grover breakfasted there that morning? Yes I am scertain. Did you see Grover and the night before the Smiths was killed? Yes Sir. Where did you see them? I saw them at supper. Did they stay there the night <before> the Smiths where killed? [p. [64]]