, Affidavit, before , , Hancock Co., IL, 20 Dec. 1843; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of and unidentified scribe; notation in handwriting of ; one page; JS Office Papers, CHL. Includes seal.
On the 20th day of December 1843 personally appeared before me <> a Justice of the peach in and for said <Clerk of the Municipal court of Said of said> , of precinct in said , and after being duly sworn depose<th> and say<ith> that on the 19th day of November 1843, at his house, in the precinct aforesaid, of , Territory of Iowa, by false pretences of be persuaded your to accompany h said to the ; at , where your was seized by one Joseph C. Mc.Coy, of Clark County, Missouri, in connection with the said , and about four one Dozen of other individuals whose names are unknown to your , and by them forced across the <Said> <> , where they bound your , <and Mark Childs swore that your had stolen, Said Mc.Coys horse & colt, & that his father had secretly said horse <colt>>, & Said threatened your , and tried <with death or seven years imprisonment <in order>> to persuade him to make false statements; and testify that his father, , had stolen acertain <said McCoys> horse, at and colt,— which statements your made and swore to the same while in duress,— with a Bowie knife presented, to intimidate.
And your further saith that the testimony he gave concerning his father’s guilt was extorted from him through fear while in said duress, and the ab said testimony is <was>, absolutely false, and your fully believes that his father is innocent of the crimes of stealing said McCoys— horse, and colt and further your depont [deponent] saith not. .
L S.
Subscribd and sworn to before me, this 20th day of December 1843— In testimny whereof I have her[e]unto set my hand & affixed the seal of said cort at aforesad this, 20th day of December, A D. 1843.