History draft; handwriting of and ; docket in handwriting of Robert L. Campbell; 27 pages; CHL. This manuscript covers the period from 1 January 1843 to 3 March 1843.
the Robbery but himself. , was once a member of the , but had been cut off a considerable time previous; he declared that the Church never taught him to steal: and I have written his <voluntary> confession here, that others may take warning and so behave themselves in such a manner that they shall not be cut off from the Church; for if they <are, are> dotheSp the Spirit of the living God will depart from them, and they may be left to a worse spirit of delusion and wickedness than even , who never saw the Ancient of Days, or any thing thatlooked like him but he<I>wasboundover on the testimony presented I bound him over to the next Circuit Court for trial in the sum of 5,000 dollars
Saturday 11th. This may <day> had an inteview with and his family, they expressed a willingness to be saved, good feelings prevailed, and we again shook hands together. At 10 o’clock attended the City Council. <I> Prophesied to City Recorder, that it would be better for him ten years hence not to say anything more about fees, and addressed the new Council urging the necessity of their acting upon the principle of liberality, and of releiving the of <from> all unnecessary expences and burthens burdens, and not attempt to improve the , but enact such <ordinances> laws as would promote peace and good order, and the people would improve the Capitalists would come in from all quarters and <build> but mills, Factorys, and Machinery of all kinds. New buildings would arise on every hand, and that would become a great City. I prophecied that if the Council would be liberal in their proceedings they would become rich, and spoke against the principle of pay for every little service rendered and especially of that of committees having extra pay for their services; reproved the Judges of the late Election for not holding the Polls open after six o’clock when there were many waiting to vote. Dr. took an active part in electioneering for the written opposition ticket, and obstructing the passage to the Polls. was elected City Recorder the Council elected City Recorder; Marshall; Treasurer; <approved> as Mayors Clerk, , , Lewis Robison, and Constables; Surveyor; Supervisor of Streets; Coroner; Notary Public; Weigher and Sealer, Market Master; <as> Fire Warden, City Attorney; Market Inspector for the — a Board of Health was established to consist of Joseph Smith , , <and> . The Council resolved that a Market [p. 16]