History draft; handwriting of and ; docket in handwriting of Robert L. Campbell; 27 pages; CHL. This manuscript covers the period from 1 January 1843 to 3 March 1843.
<4> Court adjurnd till tomorrow 9. A. M. for <the> making up of opinion immediately retired to his room. in the cou[r]t house & I was invited to an After an introduction to several persons. I retired to & after dinner spent some time in conversation with & .— At 5½ oclok I rode in carrige to his house accompanied by . & . & where I had a very intersing [interesting] visit with & family, , Esquires , & , and many others; partook of a splendid supper, with many interesting anecdotes, & every thing to render the report & visit agreeable. I returned to about 11 oclock.—
<5> Thursday 5th. At 9 AM repaired to the court room. which was crowd[e]d with anxious spect spectators. anxious “to behold the Prophet” which was soon. and hear the opinion <decision> of , who soon made took his seat, accompanied by 1/2 a doz[en] ladies, and gave the following opinion.
“The importance (T.&S 67 &c <To 71>) arrest” The foregoing <That the>
The foregoing opinion was published o[r]iginally in the “Sangemo Journal” At the close I arose and bowed to the court, which adjourn[e]d to 10 oclok tomorrow. I accepted an invitation to see in his Room & Spent an hour in conversation with his honor, in which I explained to him that I did not profess to be a prophet more than every man ought who proffesses to be a preacher of Righteousness, & that the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, any <and> gave the judge a brief but general view of my principles asked me “to prophe[c]y how many inhabitants would come to ,” I said I will not tell how many inhabitents will come to , but I will tell you what I said when I went to . I told the old inhabitants <people> I would build up a city, & the old inhabitants replied “we will be damned if you can,” So I prophsid <that> I would build up a city, and the inhabitants prophsid I could not.
And we have now about 12000 inhabitants. I will prophcy [prophesy] we will build up a great city, for we have the stakes & have only to fill up the interstices. the was very attentive and agreeable, & requested of me that my secretary would furnish him a copy of his decision for the press.— dined at , and in the PM. visitd , with In the evening, visitd Mr Graws, & Lodged with at , with [p. 5]