TEXT: The recto and first half of the verso of this inserted leaf, numbered “45” and “48”, constitute an earlier draft of what appeared on pages 45, 46, and 47 as part of the 23 June 1843 entry, the 24 June 1843 entry, and part of the 25 June 1843 entry.
TEXT: This and the other numbers in parentheses for the 24 June 1843 entry indicate the order that the paragraphs should appear. This order is reflected in the copy of these notes on pages 46 and 47.
TEXT: This phi symbol corresponds to another phi symbol five lines below, indicating that the text following the second symbol should be inserted here.
TEXT: This insertion, along with a line pointing to the previous paragraph, indicates that the paragraph, including the first two lines on the verso, should be moved to follow the fourth line of the 24 June 1843 entry on the verso of this page.
TEXT: This phi symbol corresponds to another phi symbol five lines above, indicating that the following text should be inserted after the first symbol.
TEXT: Second of two pages numbered “45”.