Several miscellaneous loose pages were inserted into the volume at a later time.
Page 79
Which report was accepted, except such as relates to the music, which was discussed at length and on on motion,
Resolved That all matters relative to the music be refered to the Committee of Revision and the officers of the music for final adjoustment.
Resolved That the order organizing the Brass Band, Passed Nov. 4th 1843, be and is hereby repealed and that said Band be placed in its original place in the .
Resolved That all matters relative to the publication of the law be refered to the Committee of Revision and that the same take effect and be in force from and after its publication.
A letter was then presented to the Court Martial by Major General , from the officers and privates of the First Cohort, praying him to grant them the privilege of electing a Brigadier General in the place of , which he () wished the Court Martial to act upon, which was discussed at some length and was laid over untill the first of June next, which, if did not come forward and do his duty by that time or resign his office should be considered vacated.
Resolved That this Court Martial adjourn Sine die.
The Committee of Revision and the officers of the music then proceded to the matter in relation to the music according to the instructions of the Court Martial.
After taking the situation of the music into consideration they passed the following resolution, which was satisfactory to both officers and musicians, to wit:
Resolved that the Band shall consist of two divisions, the martial portion to be caslled the first division and the Brass portion the second division and to be commanded by the Chief Musician, whose duty it shall be, to dispose of said Band amongst the Legion, appropriating a proper portion of [p. 79]