Account of Trial, , Hancock Co., IL, 21–28 May 1845, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845). Transcribed from shorthand [before 24 Aug. 1858]; handwriting of and Daniel Mackintosh; 106 pages; Report of the Trial of the Murderers of Joseph Smith, 1845, CHL.
double barrel shot Gun. Did you hear Grover say any thing. I dont know that I did. You did not see , , and at the Jail that day. No, Did you hear say any thing. Yes. he said rush on boys. their is no danger. Did you hear him say any thing else during the conflict Yes. he hallo’d for them to come round to that side of the Window. And what was done when they came round. He told them to shoot the damned scoundrel. Did you see him after that. I dont recollect seeing him after. Where did you go that night. To Mr. [Larkin] Scott’s . Who went with you. a couple of men whose names I do not know. Was you on foot, or in a waggon. On foot. Were these two men in . No, Did you see Smith after he was dead. I saw him after he was shot. You supposed he was dead. I did. Had the Mob retired retreated then. No. How long after, you supposed, that Smith was entirely dead, the whole of them left. I could not say. Did they retreat in a great deal of confusion. They did. Did you see any drinking that day. They had some liquor with them. Did you drink any of that liquor. I did not. but they drank, and acted, as if they were drunk. Are you the author of that book, entitled, a correct account, of the Murder of General Joseph, and , at on the 27th. day of June 1844, by William M. Daniels, an eye Witness, I did not write it Sir. Who did. Mr. . Did he write it from what you told him. Yes I told him the statements, some several times after it occured. Did you see the manuscript before it was printed. I saw it sometime before it was printed. There is something said, in this book, about some light well tell us about it. He says I suppose it will astonish you, to tell you that, I saw a light. Well explain it to us. It is represented in the book rather different than what it was. But it is true that you saw light. [p. [31]]