Several miscellaneous loose pages were inserted into the volume at a later time.
Page 13
Captains— six dollars; Lieutenants four dollars; and every commissioned officer, non-commissioned officer, musician or private, who shall neglect or refuse to uniform himself in full, after the lapse of Eight months from the passage of this act, shall be fined in the same sums, in addition for each day of parade— every <commissioned> officer non commissioned officer, or musician, who shall neglect or refuse to attend officer drills, shall be fined in half the Sums aforesaid— and any commissioned officer who shall neglect or refuse to attend their appropriate courts martial shall be fined in one half the sums aforesaid— and any commissioned officer neglecting, or refusing, to discharge any duty devolving upon him shall, in addition, be cashiered and disgraced, by a general Court martial detailed by the Major General by order of the Lieutenant General: Provided, always, That all members of this corporation, who are unable to attend on account of sickness in their families, or any other reasonable excuse, satisfactory to the court martial, shall for the time being, be exempt fro m all such fines.
Sec. 4 That no person whatever, residing within the limits of the City of , of fifteen days’ residence, between the age of eighteen and forty-five years, except such as are exemted <by> the laws of the , shall be exempt from military duty, unless exempted by a special act of the Court Martial of the ; or a certificate of inability, under oath, signed by the Lieutenant, <General> and countersigned by the Surgeon General, and recorded by the Major General’s War. Secretary. [p. 13]