Several miscellaneous loose pages were inserted into the volume at a later time.
Page 14
Sec. 5. Each regimental court of assessment of fines shall be composed of the Major as President— the Adjutant as Secratary— and the Captains of companies as members: and the Court of appeals shall be composed of the Colonels as President— the Adjutant as secretary— and the Lieutena[n]t Colonel & Major as members,— the court of assessments shall sit on the Saturday succeeding each general parade, and the court of appeals on the Second Saturday thereafter, at such places as the Colonel may direct.
Sec. 6. The regular court and law days of the court martial of the , constituting the law making department of the corporation, shall be the first Friday of March, June, September and December, and such other days as may be appointed by the joint general orders of the Lieutenant General, and the Major General, within the City of , on a notice of ten days.
Sec 7. The Staff of the Lieutenant General & shall consist of an Inspector General with the rank of Major General, a Drill officer, a Judge Advocate, and four Aids de Camp, with the rank of Colonels; and a guard of twelve Aids de Camp, & a Herald and Armor Bearer, with the rank of Captain.
Sec 8. The Staff of <the> Major General shall consist of an Adjutant General a Surgeon General, a Cornet, a Quarter Master General, Commissary General, a Pay [p. 14]