Several miscellaneous loose pages were inserted into the volume at a later time.
Page 15
Master General, a Chaplain, two Assistant Inspectors General, four Aids de Camp, and a War Secretary, with the rank of Colonel; a Quarter Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major, and Chief Musician, with the rank of Major; and four Musicians & a Herald and Armor Bearer, with the rank of Captain.
Sec. 9. The Staff of each Brigadier General shall consist of two Aids de Camp, an Assistant Quarter Master General, an Assistant Commissary General, and a Surgeon, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel; Six Assistant Chapl[a]ins, with the rank of Major; and a Herald and Armor Bearer, with the rank of Captain.
Sec 10 The staff of each Colonel shall consist of an Adjutant, a Quarter Master Sergeant and a Sergeant Major, with the rank of Captain.
Sec. 11 Each Regiment shall be officered with a Colonel, a Lieutenant Colonel, a Major, and Company officers.
Sec. 12 Each Company shall be officered with a Captain, three Lieutenants, five Sergeants, one Pioneer, and four Corporals.
Sec. 13 The Lieutenant General, and the Major General, may by their joint act, grant brevet commissions to such persons as may merit appointment and promotion at their hands.
Sec 14 That all laws, and parts of laws inconsistent with this ordinance, be and they are hereby repealed.
Joseph Smith President
Some of the minutes of the Court Martial above has been lost. Recorder. [p. 15]