Account of Trial, [, Hancock Co., IL], 24–28 May 1845, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845); handwriting of ; 101 pages; Wilford Wood Museum, Bountiful, UT; images in Joseph Smith Murder Trial Papers, 1844–1845, CHL.
time before— Dont recollect that I saw any of the Defendants until the men got up— I went to the jail in the first place after I came into — dont know who was at the Jail— did not speak to any body— Went to the Jail to see what they were going to do— Saw a guard at the Jail— they did not speak to me— they were marching round the jail— I did not speak to the guard and tell them that they were coming up because I knew that they knew as much as any body else— I understood from the men who were coming up that the guard were to be loaded with blank cartridges— Cant say how long it was after I came up <to the Jail> before the main body of the men came up— it was between five and fifteen minutes— there were <two or three> guns fired before the troops came up— Cant tell how far the troops were from the Jail when the guns were fired— the clothing of the men was the Same as they came up, some of their faces were blacked a little with powder— it looked as though they had had <wet> powder on their hands and blacked their faces with their hands— I was in front of the jail outside the yard— about 15 feet <off—>— the yard fence was about 12 feet <from the Jail—>— none of them said any thing to me as they came up— They came up in single file in front of the Jail— dont know how many got over the fence nor cant say how many went up Stairs there was quite a huddle of them got over the fence— Cant say how they were carrying [p. 19]