<Aug 30 <31>> water River & th[r]ough Centreville, Jackson township, to Germantown. & encamped in a stubble field. neer the town. bought corn standing in the field, for our horses at $10. per acre. This day travelld 18 miles.
<> I spent sometime a considerable time this day in conversation with bro . in consequ[en]ce of some expressions made by him in presence of several brethren who had not been long in the place, ’s conduct. for some time had been very unbecoming, especally in a man in whom so much confide[n]ce had been placed. He said he would not yield his judgme[n]t to any thing proposed by the , or any individuals of the church, or even the voice of the Great I AM. given th[r]ough the appointed organ, as revelation, but will always act upon his own judgmet. Let him believe in whatever religion he may. He stated that he “would always say what he pleased for he is a Republican, & as such he will do say act & believe what he pleases.”— Mark such republicanism as this: a man to oppose his own judgmet to the judgmt of God. and at the same time profess to believe in the same God. when that God has said the wisdom of God is foolishness with men, and the wisdom or judgmt of men is foolishness with God. also made some observations to which he aftewod [afterward] acknowledged were correct, and that he understood thi[n]gs of differnt after the intervi[e]w from what he did before. [6 lines blank] [p. 10]